The Island Empire of Myrrha, situated on the Great Ring, has been attacked by a mysterious figure who calls himself the Void King and his army of Voidlings and Spirit Golems. The Emperor and Prince were lost in the attack. But 5 years later, the Princess, Phea wakes up in a small village to the far south. With the help of a sword forged by the All-Mother, creator and light of the Great Ring, 5 other divine weapons Phea will come across on her journey, and a lost spirit of the long-extinct Luminats named Zuzu, Phea travels across the fallen empire seeking to defeat the Void King, saving the enthralled Guardian Beasts along the way. All assets except the non-music sfx were made from scratch. This is just a smaller, incomplete version of my dream project: a full 3D action-adventure game with platforming elements and beautiful and sprawling environments, which I aim to begin in earnest once I become more accustomed to 3D modeling/Unity and find some artists, composers, etc. willing to help me out.

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